Available Support

The Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) prides itself on offering exceptional client support for faculty and instructional staff. There are many avenues to avail of our support services.

Learning Technology Workshops

CITL offers a number of workshops and drop-in sessions during the weeks leading up to and the first week of the semester, and also throughout the term. To see a full list of the workshops and drop-in times, please view our workshop schedule.

Technical Support

Whether teaching online or on-campus, CITL offers support for any issues you may experience with your course site. Please contact our Client Support Centre at https://citl.mun.ca/support/

Teaching & Learning Exchange – drop in!

Our Teaching and Learning Exchange (TLX) is a model classroom space where educators and instructional staff can experiment with various types of educational technology, discover best practices for integrating technology into their courses, and enhance their teaching practice through collaboration with CITL’s instructional designers, Learning Technology Coaches, and with peers.

  • Location: G.A. Hickman (Education) Building, ED-1001
  • Hours of operation: Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 6pm, Friday 8:00am – 5pm
  • Email: tlx@mun.ca
  • Phone number: (709) 864-7576

Consultation Services

CITL also offers consultations to help faculty and instructional staff with various areas of their course design and teaching.

Instructional Design – Create dynamic online content for your face-to-face course to better connect with and engage your students in their learning.

Media Services – Develop rich educational resources to enhance the teaching and learning experience, including videos, mobile applications, interactive graphic and more. Video streaming, video conferencing and webcasting services are also available.

Teaching Consultation – Discuss questions related to your teaching practice, including challenges or issues you’re experiencing, and explore strategies to address them. Consultations can be individual or in groups, and may range from a single discussion to a series of ongoing meetings.

Teaching Dossiers – Develop a teaching dossier for purposes of job application, promotion, tenure or teaching award application