
Powtoon is a free web-based software that allows you to create professional video presentations and explainers/messages. The types of recordings you can create with Powtoon are animations, simulated whiteboard videos, screen recordings, and more. These recordings can then easily be shared to your Brightspace course site. Recordings created with Powtoon can be used as an alternative to PowerPoint.

CITL has purchased a ‘Teacher’ license for Powtoon, which provides access to templates and tools that are not available with the free version of the software. Instructors can avail of this license by:

  • Visiting the TLX (ED-1001) and creating their own Powtoon videos on one of the computers in the room, or
  • Connecting with our Learning Technology Coaches and arranging for videos to be created for you.

Screen & Camera Recording with Powtoon

One recording type that can be created with Powtoon is a video that captures the computer screen and the webcam feed of the person creating the video. This can be useful for recording lectures or instructional videos for students.

NOTE: The ‘Screen & Cam Recording’ function of Powtoon is only available in Chrome. Before you can start recording, a Chrome extension called Powtoon Capture-Screen and Webcam Recorder has to be installed on your computer (this only needs to be done once).