Video Assignments

*For details on creating Video Assignments, please use the sidebar menu.*


Communication, critical thinking, and collaboration are crucial competencies students must have in any discipline they choose to pursue. These soft skills are not just important to master in the classroom – they are indispensable for students’ future success. Being able to communicate ideas, present well, and collaborate with others are critical skills in today’s workplace. With this in mind, Brightspace has partnered with Bongo to provide an integrated video assessment tool.

The Video Assignment tool, developed by Bongo and integrated with Brightspace, allows instructors to implement structured, video-based assessments that evaluate students on speeches, presentations, and more. These authentic assessments can be used to facilitate skill development and help learners practice and develop their communication skills, presentation style, critical thinking, and other soft skills. Additionally, the video assessments can be created and then graded directly in the Brightspace course site. Instructors can also add time-stamped feedback, showing students exactly where they need to improve.

NOTE: Creating video assignments in Safari may not work unless the newest version of the web browser is used. Using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge is recommended.

The video assignment tool allows instructors to create four different types of assessments:

  1. Individual assignment
  2. Group assignment
  3. Question-and-answer assignment
  4. Interactive video assignment

Sample Uses

  • Oral assessments: Students can record themselves discussing a topic and/or sharing their opinion.
  • Foreign language assessments: Students can demonstrate and/or practice their vocabulary.
  • Mock interviews: Students can practice and prepare for real interview situations, e.g. job interviews or interviews in professional contexts (nursing, social work, education etc.)
  • Case studies: Students can make a video using a “real world” example to demonstrate a concept learned in class.
  • Role plays: Students can write and record poetry or short stories that illustrate literary elements learned in an English class.
  • Lab work: Students can display the results of a science lab project from beginning to end, from hypothesis to conclusion.


For more about the Video Assignment tool, please watch this video: ‘What is Bongo?‘ on Vimeo.