Using Generative Artificial Intelligence: Syllabus Statements


Using generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools may be a decision that instructors and students will have to make during the semester. But what constitutes acceptable use of GAI in a course? An instructor may decide that, based on their instructional approach, learning outcomes, and activities and assessments, there is no appropriate use of GAI in their course. Other instructors may see benefit in using the tools in specific ways. Either way, instructors are encouraged to provide students with guidance, via the course syllabus and assignment instructions, around what they determine is permissible use of GAI in their course.

See Artificial Intelligence (AI) Text Generation: Considerations for Teaching and Learning

Some academic units or programs may encourage a consistent statement about GAI. Instructors should contact their department head, program lead, or associate dean for confirmation before adopting a statement of use. In cases where no statement is provided, instructors can consider using or adapting a sample or example statement provided below.

Sample Statements

The following sample statements may help you shape the message you provide to your students.

No use of GAI permitted

The submission of work that has been created by generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools and presented as a student’s original work is considered an academic offence in this course.

Students may not use GAI in any of the following ways:

  • Submitting an assignment presented as their own. This includes but is not limited to essays, research papers, computer code, and solutions to mathematical problem.
  • Using GAI as an aid to completing an assignment, such as paraphrasing from GAI content.
  • Submitting answers to any quiz, test, or exam question using GAI solutions.

Use of AI permitted with proper citation

Using AI tools without proper citation constitutes plagiarism, and your work will be subject to the appropriate Memorial’s Academic Misconduct policy. For more information review the library’s Academic Integrity and Aritifical intelligence (AI) and your academic work pages.

NOTE for instructors:
It is recommended that you provide a link to one of the following pages in the above statement.

Selected use of AI is permitted

Students are permitted to use generative AI for learning activities and assessments and to assist in gaining a deeper understanding of the concepts. You are requested to confirm instances of GAI use in your submitted work. Example uses include:

  • Creating an assignment outline.
  • Generating and collecting ideas and information for a paper or creative work.
  • Proofreading and grammar checking.
  • Creating a reference list.
  • Comparing one’s work with AI generated output.
  • Critiquing AI generated output.

Students are accountable for the work they submit. Do not assume that AI tools generate high quality output!

Examples from Memorial

The following statements have been shared with the permission of the unit.

Masters of Management, Grenfell Campus

As students in this course, you are ultimately responsible for the veracity, reliability and validity of your work. The inappropriate use of AI/LLMs (Artificial Intelligence/Large Language Models) in this course may be considered a breach of academic integrity and be subject to penalties associated with academic misconduct. Visit this page to learn more about academic integrity and academic conduct at Memorial, 

The MGMT program is a fully online graduate program. The statement presented here is one element of a page where additional information about AI/LLMs is provided to give additional context.

Memorial University Libraries

Academic integrity means taking full responsibility for the academic work you submit in this course, so that I can evaluate you on the basis of your own knowledge and effort. If generative AI tools have been used in the preparation of any course work, it should be appropriately acknowledged and cited as per the specific citation style used in this course.

The Memorial University Code states that “students, faculty, and staff shall treat others with respect and fairness, be responsible and honest, and uphold the highest standards of academic integrity.” (Memorial University of Newfoundland, University Calendar, Section 2.0)

Adapted from Memorial University Library website.

Faculty of Business

When not permitted in the course:

Original work, created wholly by you, is expected to be submitted in this course. The use of a generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, is not permitted to complete any assessment for this course. Students may not use generative AI tools in any of the following ways:

  • Submitting an assignment containing content generated by generative AI tools presented as your own. This includes but is not limited to essays, research papers, computer code, presentation material, and solutions to mathematical problems.
  • Using generative AI tools as an aid to complete an assignment.
  • Submitting answers to any quiz, test, or exam question using generative AI solutions.

The submission of work that has been created through the unauthorized use of generative AI tools and presented as a student’s original work is academic misconduct. Any suspicions of use of generative AI tools in this course is plagiarism and will be treated seriously. Plagiarism is a very serious academic offense that may result in a range of penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.

When not permitted in an assignment:

Original work, created wholly by you, is expected to be submitted for this assignment. The use of generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, is not permitted to complete any as aspect of this assignment. Students may not use generative AI tools in any of the following ways:

  • Submitting an assignment generated by generative AI tools presented as their own. This includes but is not limited to essays, research papers, computer code, presentation material, and solutions to mathematical problems.
  • Using generative AI tools as an aid to complete this assignment, including paraphrasing from generative AI content.
  • Submitting answers to any quiz, test, or exam question using generative AI solutions.

The submission of work that has been created through the unauthorized use of generative AI tools and presented as a student’s original work is academic misconduct. Any suspicions of use of generative AI tools in this course is plagiarism and will be treated seriously. Plagiarism is a very serious academic offense that may result in a range of penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.

When permitted in only some components of the course:

You are permitted to use generative AI tools in some assessments in this course. Very carefully read assignment descriptions for specific guidance on how to use these tools ethically and responsibly.

Where not permitted, the submission of work that has been created through the unauthorized use of generative AI tools and presented as a student’s original work is academic misconduct. Any suspicions of use of generative AI tools in this course is plagiarism and will be treated seriously. Plagiarism is a very serious academic offense that may result in a range of penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.

When permitted in a specific assignment:

You are permitted to use generative AI tools for this assignment. Please carefully read the below on how to use these tools ethically and responsibly:

This assignment requires you to use information from another source. Such information may take the form of quotations, summaries, paraphrases, or facts or ideas that are not common knowledge. Whatever its form, the source of the information must be clearly documented by referencing the research, including generative AI tools, appropriately. [INSERT: Preferred method of citation.] In any instance when a generative AI tool is referenced, you must provide the sequence of prompts used in an appendix, including reference to the particular tools used.

Omitting such documentation is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a very serious academic offense that may result in a range of penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.

When permitted throughout the course:

You are permitted to use generative AI tools throughout this course. Please carefully read the below on how to use these tools ethically and responsibly.

Assignments in this course require you to use information from another source. Such information may take the form of quotations, summaries, paraphrases, or facts or ideas that are not common knowledge. Whatever its form, the source of the information must be clearly documented by referencing the research, including generative AI tools, appropriately. [INSERT: Preferred method of citation.] In any instance when a generative AI tool is referenced, you must provide the sequence of prompts used in an appendix, including reference to the particular tools used.

Omitting such documentation is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a very serious academic offense that may result in a range of penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.

These statements were shared for faculty who teach in undergraduate and graduate level courses.

Created by D. Carew and R. Hickey; December 2023