Quick Eval FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Adapted from D2L Support Material: https://bit.ly/2XHJlHg

Can I evaluate anonymously using Quick Eval?

There is no special anonymous evaluation mode for Quick Eval. If your Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes are set up to be evaluated anonymously with required user information privacy permissions, then submissions are listed anonymously in Quick Eval. If all activities are not anonymized, then evaluators may see user information on some of the submitted work. If anonymity while evaluating is critical and you are not confident of the setup of Assignments, Quizzes and Discussions, D2L recommends against using Quick Eval.

Does Quick Eval display feedback saved as a draft?

Quick Eval displays feedback for Assignments that is saved as a draft and not published; this is not visible to the student until published.

Can I filter the Quick Eval list by section?

No, the Quick Eval list cannot be filtered by sections. However, an evaluator only sees submissions from the sections they are enrolled in.

What is the default size of the Quick Eval list?

The Quick Eval list shows 20 unevaluated learner submissions. Users can click on Load More to see more items.

Are SCORM objects or LTI activities listed in Quick Eval?

Quick Eval does not list SCORM objects and LTI activities like Bongo video assignments.

Are grade items listed in Quick Eval?

Quick Eval does not list grade items. Quick Eval only lists activities from Assignments, Quizzes and Discussions that have learner submissions.

What are the criteria for displaying Assessment submissions in Quick Eval?

Assessment type Criteria for displaying Evaluation Status
Quiz Quiz attempts with assessments that are not set up for auto-grading, and require an evaluator to provide feedback. Ungraded quiz attempts
Assignments: All assignment submission types are listed in Quick Eval except for assignments with the Automatically on Evaluation completion type; and Group assignments are NOT listed in Quick Eval


Unpublished feedback


Discussions Discussion topics with Assessments; Moderated Discussion posts must be released for them to show up in Quick Eval. Unpublished Feedback

What determines if a course displays in Quick Eval?

  1. Course is active
  2. Course is within its start date and end date