Workshops and Consultations

Online Rooms in Brightspace

Online Rooms is a “web-conferencing” application accessible within each Brightspace course site. This tool allows instructors to schedule and host synchronous sessions with students, and the sessions can be recorded ... Read more

Assignments & Video Assignments in Brightspace

WebEx (Webinar)

The Assignment Tool in Brightspace provides instructors with a consistent location to collect student work. The tool has built-in grading features, and can be linked to the gradebook for an ... Read more

Grades Tool in Brightspace

WebEx (Webinar)

Using the Brightspace Grades Tool, including the grade book, allows you to keep all course grades in one place and gives students the opportunity to keep track of their performance. ... Read more

Creating Community in Your Course

WebEx (Webinar)

Relationships are the very basis of teaching and learning.  Whether we teach in-person, virtually, or completely online, how can we help build community within our courses? Join this coffee-break conversation ... Read more

Quizzes in Brightspace: Advanced Features

WebEx (Webinar)

The Brightspace Quiz tool has a variety of settings to help you ensure academic integrity and also to ensure that the quiz is accessible to students with approved accommodation requests. ... Read more

Using Surveys to Connect with Students

WebEx (Webinar)

Regular check-ins are an important part of making connections with your students in the remote learning environment. The Survey Tool in Brightspace allows you to construct simple surveys to learn ... Read more

Rubrics in Brightspace

WebEx (Webinar)

Rubrics are an effective and efficient way to authentically assess student learning. Articulating specific criteria by which students will be assessed helps them to prepare more thoughtful submissions that are ... Read more

Using Active Learning for Deeper Learning

WebEx (Webinar)

This is an introductory session to active learning. Participants will explore various active learning strategies and how to incorporate active learning into their course. Given the nature of the topic, ... Read more

Getting Started with Experiential Learning

WebEx (Webinar)

Description to come. This session will be hosted in Webex. Registration is required for this event – please follow the link below to register. *REGISTER* You can join the session ... Read more