Instructional Resources

Protect Your Synchronous Session

How can I ensure my synchronous online session is safe?

Features and setting options vary depending on the tool you use to host your synchronous session. Below are some things to consider when setting up and notifying your students about these sessions.


  • Make sure you are familiar with how the tool works.
    • Participate in training to understand the various features and security settings.
  • Double check the security settings and advanced sharing options before distributing information about the session.
    • See below for guidance on applying Room Settings
  • Encourage your students to join the session via a web-browser, versus downloading the application.
    • Security updates are often applied to the browser, and users are responsible for maintaining any updates to the desktop application.
  • Schedule your sessions individually rather than creating one room that you use multiple times.
    • This will generate a unique “Meeting ID” for each time you meet.
  • Use the password feature, and only share this with those whom you want in your session.
  • Distribute the information in a secure way — not on a public platform (i.e. personal website) or via social media.
    • If you’re not using Brightspace, consider setting up an email list to send access details.
    • Specifically ask your students not to share access information.

Room Settings

  • Set-up the room so that students need to be admitted by you or co-host.
    • Automatic entry, especially in larger classes, can allow trolls to enter undetected.
  • Establish a password for entry.
    • Create your own, versus using the automatic generated one
  • Enable the option to “not re-admit” if available.
    • This will prevent a troll from re-accessing the room once you or your co-host removes them.
  • Enable the option to allow you and/or your co-host(s) to turn on and off participant’s webcams and mics, if available.
    • This can also help manage noise quality and minimize distractions.
  • Choose the option of disabling webcams upon entry.
    • This will prevent trolls from displaying an inappropriate image upon entry.
    • This may also help address speed and technical challenges while participants are entering the room.
  • Turn off the ability to use virtual backgrounds.
    • This could also trolls the opportunity to share inappropriate content.
  • Adjust the controls to allow only one person to share content at a time.
  • Set the recording setting to manually record.
    • This helps to avoid any potential “Zoom Bombing” from being recorded and distributed.
  • Advise your students to share their screen by invitation only, and if they are comfortable in doing so.
    • This will help to protect their privacy.
  • Consider the option of “locking” the room once the session has started and/or all students and/or invited guests have arrived.

During the Session

  • If possible, arrange for a co-host, especially if your class size is large and monitoring participation could be a challenge.
    • Consider your co-host carefully, especially if you feel your course is particularly susceptible to “Zoom Bombing”; dealing with trolls can be upsetting.
      • It’s important to set expectations for the role of co-host(s).
        • Examples of tasks that the co-hosts can assist with:
          • admitting students to the room,
          • monitoring the chat for questions to bring them to your attention at the appropriate time, and
          • updating student status or muting mics when appropriate to do so.
  • If you are “Zoom Bombed” during the session, end it as quickly as possible and report the incident to IT Services as soon as you can.
    • Even if you are not using an institutionally supported tool you should let them know for tracking purposes.

After the Session

  • If your session ran smoothly — congratulations. Your hard work and preparation paid off.
  • If your session was “Zoom Bombed” don’t take it personally — it is not your fault.
    • While it is frustrating, you should not let it be a deterrent from hosting other online sessions, especially if synchronous instruction is important to the delivery of your course.
  • Take step to instill confidence in your students that the next session will be better.
    • Email them to apologize for the incident, let them know that that you have reported it and tell them the actions you have taken to prevent it from happening next time.
    • Demonstrate empathy for the students, as it may have been a troublesome experience for some. Direct the students to The Counselling Centre if they were upset by the event. (See the Student Counselling Services site for more information)
    • Consider switching to an institutionally supported tool (i.e. Online Rooms or Webex) where authentication and direct support from the university’s IT department can help minimize future occurrences.
    • If changing tools is not an option, carefully review the settings for the “Zoom-Bombed” meeting, and make the necessary adjusts for future meetings. (See Pre-session tips)

Adapted from: Violence Prevention Avalon East. (2020). What is “Zoom Bombing” and how can I avoid it? Retrieved from:

Resource created by: Ruth H.

Originally Published: October 5, 2020

Last Updated: July 16, 2024