Workshops and Consultations

Online Rooms in Brightspace

Online Rooms is a “web-conferencing” application accessible within each Brightspace course site. This tool allows you to schedule and host synchronous sessions with your students. Some ways to use this tool include hosting online office hours, review sessions prior to an exam, guest speaker presentations, or allowing your students to make presentations. Synchronous sessions can ... Read more

Grades Tool in Brightspace

Using the Grades Tool, including the grade book, within Brightspace allows you to keep all course grades in one place and gives students the opportunity to keep track of their performance. You can link your Brightspace assessments directly to the grade book, and at the end of the course have all the grades ready to ... Read more

Using Surveys to Connect with Students

WebEx (Webinar)

Regular check-ins are an important part of making connections with your students in the remote learning environment. The Survey Tool in Brightspace allows you to construct simple surveys to learn about how your students are doing while creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment. This session will introduce you to the features of the tool, ... Read more

Creating Community in Remote Teaching

WebEx (Webinar)

Relationships are the very basis of teaching and learning, but without face-to-face connection, how can we help build community within our courses? Join this coffee-break conversation to share your ideas about helping students connect to one another and with you through remote teaching. This session will be hosted in Webex: You can enter the room ... Read more

The Assignment Tool in Brightspace

WebEx (Webinar)

The Assignment Tool in Brightspace provides instructors with a consistent location to collect student work. The tool has built in grading features, and can be linked to the gradebook for an efficient way to return work and advise students of grades. This session will walk you through the steps of setting up your assignments, submission ... Read more

Instructional Efficiencies in Course Design

WebEx (Webinar)

Join this coffee-break discussion to share your ideas around balancing workload while maintaining instructor presence in your course. The facilitators will share some upfront strategies to build into your course design and Brightspace tools to consider without overwhelming your instructional workload. This session will be hosted in Webex. Registration for this event is required; please ... Read more

Adapt and Implement Active Learning Strategies in Your Remote Course

WebEx (Webinar)

During this session participants will explore various active learning strategies and learn how to choose and adapt an activity for a specific learning need. Special consideration will be given to adapting an activity for remote teaching. The session will focus on active learning to motivate and engage students, promote deep learning, and provide opportunities to ... Read more

Designing Effective Discussions

WebEx (Webinar)

One of the most common communication tools used in online courses is the discussion board – but rarely are they used in an effective manner. This session will challenge participants to think about discussion activities that go beyond the traditional approach of “make an original post and respond to two classmates”. During this session we ... Read more

Fostering Student Motivation and Engagement

WebEx (Webinar)

This session will explore the principles of student motivation and engagement. We will discuss the social conditions and drivers that foster motivation and engagement, and offer some practical strategies to enhance them in your course. In the last part of the session, participants will be invited to ask questions, share their experiences in motivating students, ... Read more

Rubrics in Brightspace

WebEx (Webinar)

Rubrics are an effective and efficient way to authentically assess student learning. Articulating specific criteria by which students will be assessed helps them to prepare more thoughtful submissions that are aligned with your expectations. As an added bonus, rubrics provide an objective and systematic method for grading work. Brightspace Rubrics offers a variety of rubric ... Read more