Semester Start-up Checklist


To ensure a course site is ready for the start of the semester there are some general elements that should be updated/verified. The following checklist highlights some of these key elements.

Verify Course Shells
Ensure that you have a shell (course site) for each course and section you're scheduled to teach.If you do not see a shell(s), contact CITL Client Support.
Confirm the following:
  • Course name
  • Start/End dates
  • Inactive/Active course status
Please click the Course Admin link in the main navigation bar. Then, under the Site Setup heading, click on Course Offering Information. Scroll down to see the course start/end dates and the Course is Active checkbox.
Confirm students are enrolled.View Class List under the Communications link.
Enroll other instructors, TA's.Contact CITL Client Support to add others to course shell.
Teaching a Fully Online Course?
Get in touch with your Course Maintenance Assistant (CMA).
Complete the Online Course Checklist on your course homepage in Brightspace (D2L).
Consider booking a session in Getting Started with Brightspace (D2L) to learn the basics of using Brightspace.Contact to book a session.
Teaching On-Campus Using a Brightspace (D2L) Course Shell?
Ensure your course content (syllabus, schedule, notes, assignments, quizzes, etc) is reviewed and up-to-date.Switch to student role (see the Role Switch widget at the bottom of each course homepage) and click through your content. Update files as necessary and be sure to switch back to Instructor role to do so.
Ensure links (articles, urls, video, etc) are still working. Update as necessary.
Update all course dates (dropbox, quizzes, assignments, etc).Consider adding all major course dates to the course Calendar on the course homepage.
Watch the video on an introduction to Calendar.
Update News widget on course home page. Remove any old items.Watch the video on how to Create an Announcement.
Consider booking a session in Getting Started with Brightspace (D2L) to learn the basics of using Brightspace.Contact to book a session.