Instructional Resources

PDF Accessibility

When people talk about “accessible” PDF files, they are usually referring to “tagged” PDF files. Tags are “…a set of standard structure types and attributes that allow page content (text, graphics, and images) to be extracted and reused for other purposes.” (PDF Techniques for WCAG 2.0). One of those purposes is to present information to screen readers. These tags have no impact on the visual layout of a PDF. There is more to an accessible PDF file than tags, but an untagged PDF would not be considered “accessible.” When people talk about “accessible” PDF files, they are usually referring to “tagged” PDF files. Tags are “…a set of standard structure types and attributes that allow page content (text, graphics, and images) to be extracted and reused for other purposes.” (PDF Techniques for WCAG 2.0). One of those purposes is to present information to screen readers. These tags have no impact on the visual layout of a PDF. There is more to an accessible PDF file than tags, but an untagged PDF would not be considered “accessible.”

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