Academic Integrity

Speaking to your students about academic integrity and misconduct can sometimes be awkward. However, it is the most effective way to deter academic misconduct.

This resource may help you with these conversations by providing you with a collection of tools, websites, and resources you can use to prepare for or hold this discussion with your students. Please refer to the Memorial University calendar for official advice, policies, and procedures related to academic misconduct.

Note: Some of the university regulations and other resources may periodically be updated. Ensure you are using the most current version of these in your work. References to both undergraduate and graduate regulations are provided where possible.

Scholarly Academic Integrity

Members of the university community, whether faculty, instructors, students or staff, are expected to complete their work with integrity. All members should reasonably expect that others conduct themselves honesty.

“Academic integrity means taking full responsibility for the academic work you submit for your courses, so that your professors can evaluate you on the basis of your own true knowledge and effort. It means acting honestly in all academic pursuits, even in difficult circumstances.”

Memorial University Libraries Academic Integrity page

International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)

The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) identifies six fundamental values of academic integrity:

  • courage,
  • fairness,
  • honesty,
  • respect,
  • responsibility, and
  • trust.

The ICAI website discusses these values in detail, suggesting ways to integrate them into practice. These could be starting points for discussing integrity with your students.

Academic Integrity Statements in the Syllabus

All course syllabi must include “a statement regarding academic integrity, including a reference to the entry on Academic Misconduct” that is found in the University Calendar. It is strongly recommended that instructors direct students to the sections of the University Calendar on Academic Misconduct which are indicated below.

View University Regulation 6.12 UG

University Regulation 6.12 UG
“Within the University community there is a collective responsibility to maintain a high level of scholarly integrity. A student is expected to adhere to those principles which constitute proper academic conduct. Academic misconduct cannot be condoned or even appear to be condoned. A student has the responsibility to know which actions, as described under “Academic Offences”, could be construed as dishonest or improper.”

Memorial University Online Calendar, 2021–2022, Section 6.12.4 UG,
View University Regulation 4.12 G

University Regulation 4.12 G
“In the course of a graduate degree program a student is expected to adhere to those principles which constitute proper academic conduct. Within the University community there is a collective responsibility to maintain a high level of scholarly integrity. Dishonesty has no place in the academic community. Academic misconduct cannot be condoned or even appear to be condoned. A student has the responsibility to ascertain those actions which could be construed as dishonest or improper. Certain flagrant violations are listed below under Academic Offences. A student is reminded that for guidance on proper scholarly behaviour the student should seek assistance from the student’s instructors and supervisors. The Graduate Students’ Union will provide a student with information on legal rights and the information that advice about acceptable writing standards is available through the Writing Centre.

Memorial University Online Calendar, 2021–2022, Section 4.12.4 G

The syllabus resource (Syllabus Element Details) provides a suggestion of what could be provided in a course syllabus relating to academic integrity. The statements also include a reference to the entry on Academic Misconduct.