Workshops and Consultations

Providing Feedback

Online Rooms (Webinar)

Instructor presence through regular feedback is a way to remove the isolation often associated with learning online.  It also helps to motivate and guide student learning.  In this session we will explore ... Read more

Do’s and Don’ts for Video and Audio Recording

WebEx (Webinar)

This session covers the basic do’s and don’ts for video and audio recordings for online and remote courses.   The session will explore technologies you can use to generate recordings, including helpful production tips on video, webcams, ... Read more

Low-Tech Solutions for Remote Teaching

Online Rooms (Webinar)

Remote teaching doesn’t always mean high-tech!  How can we provide an equitable learning experience for students who may NOT have access to a computer, video-conferencing, or high-speed internet? Join the ... Read more

Connection and Community in Remote Teaching

Online Rooms (Webinar)

Relationships are the very basis of teaching and learning, but without face-to-face connection, how can we help build community within our courses?  Join the conversation to share your ideas about ... Read more