Introduction to GitLab Interface


CITL’s GitLab is located at  It can also be accessed via the Hub’s quick link menu.

There are two main sections to the GitLab interface, the navigation pane (left) and the working pane (right).

The Navigation Pane

menu bar

When you first login, this navigation pane is global on all projects you are a member of. The numbers next to the sections “Todos”, “Issues”, and “Merge Requests” are tied to all your projects. For the most part, you will be focused on the Issues option. This is a handy place to view all ongoing issues in your projects and to make it easier to prioritize your work.

The option section to take note of here is your Profile Settings.  This is where you can configure such things as your SSH keys (required for working on any repositories), the user interface, and your personal information.





The Working Pane

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