Call for Proposals

Deadline for Submission of Proposals: Extended to Monday, August 17, 2015


The theme for the 2015 Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase is Attributes of Graduating Students: Meeting the Challenge for Work and Life. Distance Education, Learning and Teaching Support (DELTS), Memorial University, invites all those interested in the quality of teaching and learning at universities in the Atlantic Region to submit session proposals related to this theme.

Questions to Consider

The following are questions to consider:

  • Who are the stakeholders and what are the processes that should be involved in identifying graduate attributes?
  • What are the important attributes that will ensure our students’ success in the academy, the workplace, and in our global society?
  • How do students learn these core attributes or generic skills?
  • How can curriculum be reformed to facilitate the achievement of core attributes?
  • What is the relationship between core attributes and discipline specific outcomes?
  • How does your approach to teaching help students develop core attributes?
  • What opportunities do students have to practice and apply knowledge and skills in authentic settings?
  • How do we evaluate the quality and extent to which student achieve core outcomes?

Session Formats

There are three session formats from which to choose:

  • 30-minute Session
  • 50-minute Session
  • Furious Five

30-minute and 50-minute sessions should model active learning and engage participants in discussion, small-group exercises, panel discussions, or other activities. Individuals submitting a proposal for a 50-minute session should provide a rational for the extended time allotment.

Furious Five is a lively and engaging plenary session in which presenters are given five minutes each to introduce the audience to an innovative teaching strategy or tip, or pose a profound question for the audience to ponder. Strategies, tips and questions should be relevant to a range of disciplines.

Submitting Proposals

To submit a proposal please complete, rename, and email the below Proposal Template file (Word document), on or before (new deadline) Monday, August 17, 2015, to:

Proposal template: Proposal Template file
File naming: Before emailing your session proposal, please rename the file as per the below sample.
Surname_First name initial_Session format.doc (Session format = 30, 50, or FF)
Example: Smith_B_50.doc