Photo of 3 students crossing city street, one wearing a graduation gown. ©David Howells 2012. ©David Howells 2012.



Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase

Attributes of Graduating Students

Meeting the Challenge for Work and Life

Memorial University
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Call for Proceedings Submissions

The 2015 Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase focuses on the attributes, or core outcomes, of students graduating from undergraduate and graduate degree programs. As our universities seek to meet the demands of the contemporary workplace and remain relevant for the global citizens of the 21st century, we must look beyond disciplinary expertise or technical knowledge to core qualities and attributes we wish students to develop through their learning experiences. Students with attributes such as critical thinking skills, global awareness, and a love of learning are well-equipped to achieve their potential and contribute to society.

The Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase is an annual event that brings together faculty members, lecturers, academic librarians, graduate students, educational developers, and others who are interested in the quality of teaching and learning at universities in the Atlantic Region. The Showcase provides a forum to reflect on and critically examine teaching practice, to share methods and strategies, and to discuss issues related to university teaching and learning.